Saturday, February 26, 2011

Today's Project

I've wanted to paint our front door for the last 10 years, but I haven't been able to commit to any one color so it's remained the original color since we moved in - black. It's strange, I've painted every room in our house at least twice since we've lived here, but I haven't been able to commit to a new color for the front door. Our house is khaki colored and our shutters and door are black so any color would look good really. Last weekend I chose a light seafoam green color, "Tranquil Bay" and stewed over it all week. Today I finally did it! I painted the door...and I love it!! It looks blue in the picture, but it's really more of a green than a blue.

I plan to replace the door hardware and weather stripping soon...that's my next project! It, too, is 10 years old in March! Where has the time gone??!!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Dum Dum Lollipop Topiary Trees

You asked for it! I'm finally getting around to posting the pics of the Dum Dum lollipop trees that I made for the kiddos classes for Valentine's Day. They were surprisingly easy to make once I knew how many suckers fit on the foam ball. Just a tip if you plan on making one...a 6" ball holds around 350 suckers and is WAY too heavy to stand up. We ended up needing just a 3" foam ball, which took about 180 suckers and could stand on it's own once everything was glued into place in the bucket. That in itself is still A LOT of suckers!

But it makes me happy when Madi comes home and reports that she got to pick a sucker off of the dum dum tree because she was good. I have a feeling that her class tree will be missing all the purple suckers soon! :) Noah hasn't given me that report yet...I wonder what that means??!!?? :)

I wanted to include the second picture as well. Noah came up with this idea and built it on his own for his Pawpaw for his birthday.
He spelled "I Love You" out of Legos. I love that kid.