I've wanted to paint our front door for the last 10 years, but I haven't been able to commit to any one color so it's remained the original color since we moved in - black. It's strange, I've painted every room in our house at least twice since we've lived here, but I haven't been able to commit to a new color for the front door. Our house is khaki colored and our shutters and door are black so any color would look good really. Last weekend I chose a light seafoam green color, "Tranquil Bay" and stewed over it all week. Today I finally did it! I painted the door...and I love it!! It looks blue in the picture, but it's really more of a green than a blue.
I plan to replace the door hardware and weather stripping soon...that's my next project! It, too, is 10 years old in March! Where has the time gone??!!