Madi decided last year that her new favorite color was purple and wanted her room to be just like her favorite book...Purplicious! So, I painted two of her walls purple. The two remaining walls are off-white and I've had a terrible time trying to figure out what to put on one of them, so for a few months now she's had one large off-white wall with nothing on it. :)
She's huge into art, so I thought it would be cool to come up with a way for her to display her artwork. We found 8 ugly frames at Goodwill for $1/each, took them apart and painted them various shades of purple. At Michael's we found scrapbook paper with purple patterns and placed magnetic material behind the paper inside the frames (the kind used for advertising on cars, courtesy of dad!). Add a few magnets and less than $20 later we have a wall full of art!
Today we finally hung them up on the wall in crazy directions. I'm sure she'll have them filled up with all kinds of art soon!