So, a few weeks ago we (read: me...the hubs "hates" to paint and weaseled out) painted the living room and kitchen from a light olive green to a neutral khaki. Lee patched all of the walls for me so that I could start fresh - and until last night I haven't been able to commit to putting anything back up, I just didn't know what I wanted to do.

And then it came to me...I wanted a photo wall (AKA, lots of hanging...another project the hubs doesn't enjoy!) - we don't have a stairwell, so we used a wall in our living room. I'm a person of symmetry and I usually like everything to be all "matchy-matchy." But, I didn't want to spend any money so we hung frames that we already had. I think I like that all of the frames aren't the same. What do you think?
These are some of my favorite photos! Funny story...the one on the bottom right hand corner (smootchy smootchy) was taken EXACTLY one year to the day before we got married. Who knew! We weren't even engaged at that point, we took it at a kiosk in a mall in Hickory and it has the date etched on the bottom. Love was in the air! And boy that was a looonnggg time ago. 12 years to be exact.
Here are a few more judging, please. TV really hasn't played a huge role in our family, so we are probably the last ones in America with an old-school TV in the living room (we have one in the master bedroom, which is where we watch our shows at night though!). :) It's on the list...but sometimes I'd rather take a vacation or do something fun instead, ya know?!

See that big black thing on the edge of the chaise? That's Diesel. Our 90 lb. black lab. He weighs more than my other two children...God bless us. Chuckles is peeking in the photo on the right hand side too - in our small house it's almost impossible to take a photo without someone in the way. It's well lived in.

I'm not happy with the furniture in our living room...the couch is ok, could use a good upholstery cleaning, but the other pieces are too big for the space and I want to consolidate them into one piece. It, too, shall be replaced...eventually. I have plans, if only I had all the money for them!! It's very neutral right now, I've been thinking of ways to add color...I love color! I welcome any suggestions! I bought a cute little green table at the antique show last weekend, pictures of that will be posted soon. Until then...